“I have a passion for all classes I teach, especially the Pilates exercise method, it’s development and the needs of my participants.  For me, Pilates is a way of life and I will continue to learn for my clients to learn.”

I took my Pilates classes online in 2019 as well as still offering Pilates and various other fitness classes in the community and at local health clubs. Little did I know that would be the start of my online business and how it would thrive! March 2020 lockdown hit us and I had a total meltdown as I was forced to give up my face to face classes, so I quickly put together a weekly bespoke membership offering a variety of online classes and from there my VIP group was created.


I’m a certified Pilates Health Coach and Advanced Pilates Coach for Orthopaedic Conditions, which enables me to look at the skeletal make up of a client offering postural advice and guidance and tailoring exercises to suite specific needs including and identifying strengths/weaknesses.

My training has taught me various disciplines of Pilates, including Classical, Fitness, Back Care, Pilates with Weights, Small Balls, Large Balls, Weighted Balls and Resistance Bands.  I have also trained in Fascial release which is a great way of releasing muscle tension in the body to offset any imbalances or sore trigger points. I have continued and intend to continue my professional development with the Pilates method. I am told that my friendly approach, puts clients at ease and makes the sessions more fun, less intimidating and more enjoyable. I teach in the community, private sessions, small groups, 1-2-1s and at various Health clubs.

I have a passion for all classes i teach, especially the Pilates exercise method, it’s development and the needs of my participants.  For me, Pilates is a way of life and I will continue to learn for my clients to learn.

I am also qualified in Core Stability and Lower Back Pain Management as well as understanding Motor Control and Core Strengthening and Core Stability.

I am fascinated by, and continue to study, Muscle Release Techniques and I get a great deal of satisfaction helping and advising a client to feel better and lose the pain/ muscle tightness they come in with.